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Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm hoping to be able to update this blog everyday with new information about anime, manga and even gaming. Or at least update it with things that I find interesting.

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Written: 03/13/2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Starting on a low note.

I really wanted to create a blog dedicated to anime, manga and gaming. A place where I could go to discuss all my favorite things from my three favorite media sources, but I wouldn't feel right starting a new blog and ignoring a horrible disaster that has struck Japan.

It's horrible news. Not because it effects the three things I just mentioned, but because people are dying. Lives are being changed forever and the crisis isn't over yet and people cannot start rebuilding their lives until things have settled down quite a bit.

I'm keeping Japan in my heart and I'm praying for everyone over there and I hope everyone here does the same thing. If you feel like donating you can do that by clicking the link here: The American Red Cross

The last thing I want to share with everyone is a beautiful picture Noizi Ito drew of Haruhi Suzumiya praying for Japan. As you may or may not know Noizi Ito did the illustrations for the Haruhi Suzumiya light novel series. I found this drawing here: The Anime News Network

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