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Written: 03/13/2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Green Green- Avoid if you Can

I consider myself pretty open minded when it comes to anime. I enjoy both Japanese and American made anime. I love both English subbed anime and dubbed. I couldn't even name a genre that I particularly dislike. I mean if Alien Nine doesn't prove I'm open-minded then my love for Serial Experiments Lain certainly should prove that.

So with that said, I have to admit that there are a few shows that I really dislike. It could be for any number of reasons, but there are certain shows that I dislike. Before I continue I would like to add that I don't dislike anime based on other peoples preferences or just to be the black sheep. For instance I won't claim to dislike shows like Bleach, One Piece or Naruto just to start some kind of controversy. If I did dislike those anime I would give legitimate reasons for it, but I like them.

So what is it about Green Green that I dislike so much?

Yeah. Those three guys above. These guys are like every cliched, pervert in anime rolled into three. Not only that, but these three almost dominate the entire anime! There are other reasons I dislike the anime, but before I get into those, let me tell you what this show is about.

Two lovers in ancient times fell in love, but they aren't allowed to be together so they swore that one day when they are reincarnated they would be together. So during a merge between two schools Midori Chitose (one of the reincarnated lovers) appears in front of Yuusuke Takasaki (the other reincarnated lover) proclaiming her love for him. At first he's simply annoyed with her clinging on him, but soon he awakens and remembers they used to be lovers.

To be honest with you the plot seems pretty nice to me and I'm sure this would have made a wonderful anime, but they made so many mistakes.

1. People are surprised that Midori Chitose magically appeared on their bus, but no one questioned it.

2. Why Midori and Yuuske's love was forbidden is never explained. All they say is, "Because it was ancient times their love was forbidden."

3. The three perverts I mentioned. They are in the show way to much!

4. This show is 12 episodes long (the 13th Episode wasn't licensed) with 3 OVA's included and for some reason they thought a recap episode was necessary! Like anyone would want to remember half of this show.

I was really disappointed and to be honest the show had a lot going for it.

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