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Written: 03/13/2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Movie Actors and Studio Ghibli!

As a huge fan of Studio Ghibli I sometimes surprise myself by being able to remember some of the famous names who lent their voices to some of my favorite characters. To be honest with everyone I Have a problem remembering names. Not that I don't care about those people, but sometimes their names just slip my mind. When it comes to Studio Ghibli however, my mind is like a steel trap! So I'm going to make a small list of famous movie actors and show you the movie they lent their voices to. Some might surprise you.

1. Porco Rosso


Yes! Michael Keaton was in Porco Rosso! Not only that, but he WAS the voice of Porco! This was a double win for me. Not only am I a Studio Ghibli film fan, but I'm also a Michael Keaton fan!

2. Princess Mononoke

I'm not going after every actor in these movies, but I had to mention these two. Billy Bob Thornton and Gillian Anderson. 

3. The Cats Return

The last ones I'll post today. Anne Hathaway starred in The Cats Return. It was a great movie.

So I would check these out if I were you. They're fun movies and certainly worth a look. I actually own all the films I mentioned and watch them to this day. I plan on adding more tomorrow!

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