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Written: 03/13/2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Kiddy Grade!

Alright! Now for some  news. I saw Kiddy Grade last year and like all anime I swore I would buy it, but never did. Now some of the DVDs are missing and that means one of two things. One I'll never be able to complete my collection and two.... I'll have to go to Amazon and take the chance of buying some pirated piece of crap. Or get swindled out of my money.

Well now I don't have to worry about a thing!

Funimation is re-releasing the series! May 10th we'll see the return of Eclair and Lumiere as they fight all kinds of criminals! This is a fun show and I really wished I had bought the individual DVDs, but I'm just happy to be able to pick up the series at all. So May 10th I'll be adding another anime to my shopping cart over at Rightstuf! You can pre-order it now by clicking the link below! I'll write up a review once I get my hands on this puppy!

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