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Written: 03/13/2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

So Far In Gaming...

I remember saying something about this blog being dedicated to other things besides anime. Well I guess I better get on that at least once. I will limit my gaming talk to RPGs or Survival Horror games. Those two I love the most.

Right now I'm playing a game called Blue Dragon. It's pretty good and from what I can tell it's long. The game is about a group of kids who are try to put a stop to evil Nene's plans, but in order to do that they had to swallow some light crystals that give life to their shadows.

I haven't gotten very far yet. The first time I played through I was curious when Zola would join my team so I raced ahead. Barely got through all the boss fights that I got into and finally found her. So I decided to stop, restart and go back through slowly. At least I know when she makes her grand appearance.

 The game is fun, but right now I'm not a big fan of Shu. He's one of those stereotypical game characters who doesn't put a lot of stock into thinking. That can get pretty annoying.

The rest of the characters are pretty cool as well. We have  Jiro, Kluke and Marumaro.

Well right now I'm still on disk 1 so hopefully I'll get through that and gather all the characters up ASAP. I'll let everyone know how it goes later on.

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