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Written: 03/13/2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

Otaku is an Insult

With every medium there is always some sort of divide. With anime that divide is pretty apparent to me. For instance the divide between dubbed and subbed fans. There's a divide between people who prefer legit copies of anime and pirated versions and there is a divide between people who believe the word Otaku is an insult and those who do not.

Otaku in Japan means "People who have obsessive hobbies" and yes the word is an insult and you might not believe it, but the word doesn't lose it's meaning just because it's spoken here in America. I know several anime fans think the word Otaku is positive here in America and it's lost most of it's meaning overtime, but I assure you that's not the case. I should also mention this... Just because Tokyopop created the Hulu show America's Greatest Otaku, doesn't mean what I just said isn't true. The title is actually a contradictory. It's like saying "America's Greatest Obsessive".

So... I didn't write this article to change anyone's mind or anything, just my two cents on the matter.

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