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Written: 03/13/2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

Excel Saga- Anime Returns!

 I owned the entire series on XBOX live and I really loved the show. It's hilarious and it's hard to tell you what it's about. I think someone is trying to take over the city and Excel, one of the main characters, is trying to eat a dog and that's it!

Ok... Not really, but the show is fun and worth checking out. Thanks to FUNimation we'll be getting our chance to collect the series again. May 17th will be the return of Excel Saga! It'll cost you $37.49, but I think it's worth it. You do get all 26 episodes and it's really hilarious. The only bad thing about this anime (this is my opinion only) is the Pedro episode. I'm sorry, but Pedro's plight never interested me.

You can pre-order the series at Rightstuf if you want! I plan to!

Click HERE to pre-order!

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