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Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm hoping to be able to update this blog everyday with new information about anime, manga and even gaming. Or at least update it with things that I find interesting.

Thanks for stopping by!

Written: 03/13/2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Coming Soon! Two New Sections!

Alright. I'm pretty close to adding two new sections to my blog pretty soon so I wanted to go ahead and announce them now so no one will be surprised later. I think I may have hinted towards them before, but now I'm confirming them (Unless things suddenly change.)

1. Anime Reviews.

I doubt anyone's surprised, but soon I'll be adding anime reviews to my blog. It'll be located in it's own section.

2. Video Games

I'm an anime fan and a gamer. I love RPGs and Survival Horror games. I plan on posting play through's of both sometime in the near future. Nothing too fancy, but I'm still excited to do it.

And that's it for now. If I come up with anymore I'll let you guys know. I want this blog to be a multipurpose blog, without losing sight of it's true purpose.

Thank you and take care!

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