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Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm hoping to be able to update this blog everyday with new information about anime, manga and even gaming. Or at least update it with things that I find interesting.

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Written: 03/13/2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Madoka Magica Returning! Two episodes on the same day!

After the disaster that struck Japan last month it's easy to see why certain shows were pulled off the air. I mean no one needs to be reminded that their country has been through something horrific, but now a few shows are making a return to the airwaves and Madoka Magica is one of them.

The television station MBS based in Kansai will air episodes 11 and 12 back-to-back April 21st. Episode 12 will mark the end of this amazing and dark series.

Source Link

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Do you Consider Yourself Open Minded?

When I first started watching anime I witnessed quite a few strange things, but that was before I realized this was all coming from another country. Actually this isn't what I want to really talk about. When I say 'Open Minded' I'm talking about genres.

Personally as an anime fan I love all types of genres. I love action-adventure, comedy, sci-fi, but I also love Romance. I'm really big into horror and things like that.

So what about you guys? Is there any anime genres you can't stand? Or do you love them all?

You can go into details if you like!

K-ON! DVD Countdown

Alright guys. I went ahead and created a countdown clock for K-ON! DVD 1. I wanted to post this on my blog here, but I couldn't. Sorry about that.

For a long time now I was hoping to add K-ON! to my DVD collection and now it's almost about to happen. You can follow along yourselves by clicking HERE!

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Channel

I finished watching the first episode of this anime today and it's really hilarious. I wanted to point it out to people in case you guys were thinking about watching it yourselves. I believe Crunchyroll will be simulcasting it in the future too.

You see the picture posted above? I've seen it several times over the last few days, but never noticed the baseball bat. The funny thing is, and this is minor spoilers, in the first episode that girl is wielding it just to keep some guys away from the Blond girl (her name is Run.)

It really is a cute show and I'm certainly going to keep watching. As always I hope someone here in the states gets the distribution rights to it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Why I Hate '4Kids'

Of all the anime companies out there 4Kids is the only one I hate! Yes I do have preferences when it comes to anime and only a few other companies meet those preferences (or come close to), but that never made me hate them. 4Kids on the other hand did something that I cannot stand. They edit anime.

Now don't get me wrong. I understand that certain shows and movies have to be edited in order to get aired on television. For instance the movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day, they have to edit out all the fun words. Besides television is a great way to get anime out there? Even if you don't have cable or satellite you can still get anime on the weekends. Not to mention parents would love to find shows their little ones can watch, enjoy and stay out of their hair.

So why do I hate 4Kids for their edits? Simple. Most of them aren't necessary.

1. Changing names.

There is no reason to change names in anime. Japanese names are just as easy to understand as English ones. You just have to practice at it.

2. Removing Japanese Words.

This one makes the least amount of sense to me. We have kids shows out there that not only teach English speaking audiences a different language, but we also have shows out there that teach them how to spell in another language. So what's wrong with the Japanese language all of a sudden?   

3. Changing Locations.

Unintentionally anime can be educational, especially to someone in another country. Thanks to anime I know about some Japanese holidays, traditions and locations. Then 4Kids comes along and suddenly the Tokyo Tower is somewhere in America.

I have a lot more I could say about this, but I don't want this blog to be one giant bash fest. The problem is I don't consider 4Kids an anime distributor. I consider them someone who takes anime, edits it and tries to make a buck off of it. Anime sells without that sort of treatment. 4Kids is being sued and they plan on filing for chapter 11 just to stay in business. I honestly don't believe anime here in the states would be worse off if 4Kids did go bankrupt. They've been doing anime fans and those Japanese companies wrong for far too long.